Brasil 8 anos - Construindo o Futuro



Client: Governo Federal do Brasil (Brasília, DF)

Designer: Secretaria Especial de Comunicação Social (SECOM) (Brasília, DF)

Years in use: 2002

Remarks: This stylized 8, with star-filled blue counters calling to mind the Brazilian flag, was used to identify the federal government very late into the second mandate of the Cardoso government. First gazetted 7 March 2002, purpose of this late-term mark was to commemorate Cardoso being the first popularly-elected head of state to serve two consecutive four-year terms (never mind that the ability to serve two consecutive terms stems from a constitutional amendment during his time in office).

The marketing campaigns surrounding it were controversial. The governmental branding, extolling the successes under 8 years of Cardoso’s “Real Plan,” was considered by opposition parties to mirror too closely the messaging of his own political party (and particularly advertising from Cardoso’s likely PSDB successor, José Serra) heading into the upcoming election. In fact, its use was suspended by court injunction in early April 2002, leading to hasty replacement by an 8-less, slogan-less variant for the shortest of periods – from 8 to 11 April – until said judicial decision was revoked. At three days, this makes it the Brazilian governmental brand with by far the shortest longevity. As a consequence of its lifespan, and as it bears so great a similarity to the work which both follows and predates it, NBN has made the decision that clarity for the reader would not be enhanced by describing it in a separate entry. Yes, it is a separate brand, but it is so intimately related to the circumstance of the 8 anos work that the two must be discussed together.

As with every other identifier used during the Cardoso years, “Brasil” is in Futura. (Not coincidentally, his political party – the PSDB – also identifies itself with a Futura wordmark.) All other text in the construction, including slogan 8 anos Construindo o Futuro (“8 Years Building the Future”), is set in Times. The mark was ultimately discontinued on 31 December 2002.

In part as a consequence of the contentiousness of this brand, a depoliticized logotype was developed for public service announcements. This mark, consisting of the Brazilian flag, a horizontal rule, and the name of the relevant ministry in a neutral, neo-grotesque typeface (Univers), sought to rememdy legal questions surrounding the politicization of federal government communications through visual language. This particular logo has a life extending beyond that of the 8 anos campaign and into the Lula government which followed.

The time period in which this branding campaign was active was short, indeed. Nonetheless, an understanding of it is essential to grasping the norms surrounding contemporary Brazilian governmental publicity.


Graphic Standards

Title: Manual de aplicação da marca: Governo do Brasil
Author: Secretaria Especial de Comunicação Social
Date: 2002

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.pdf Download

Title: Publicidade de Utilidade Pública: Manual de utilização da marca
Author: Secretaria Especial de Comunicação Social
Date: 26 August 2002
Remarks: Introduces a new variety of mark, a kind of deliberate anti-brand consisting of the Brazilian flag and a neutral typeface, intended for use on public service advertising which cannot be associated with an overtly political logotype.

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Graphics Package

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Laws and Norms

Title: Instrução Normativa Nº 24, de 6 de Março de 2002
Publication: Diário Oficial da União
Date: 7 March 2002 Number: 45 Section: 1 Page: 3
Remarks: Legal publication introducing the 8 anos brand. A correction to this norm, which originally carried the incorrect slogan, was published the subsequent day.

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.pdf Download (Corrected Normative Instruction, published 8 March 2002)

Title: Instrução Normativa Nº 25, de 8 de Abril de 2002
Publication: Diário Oficial da União
Date: 9 April 2002 Number: 67 Section: 1 Page: 11
Remarks: Suspends the 8 anos mark and introduces a simplified wordmark.

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Title: Instrução Normativa Nº 26, de 11 de Abril de 2002
Publication: Diário Oficial da União
Date: 12 April 2002 Number: 70 Section: 1 Page: 27
Remarks: Revokes Instruction #25 and the simplified wordmark, re-instates the 8 anos brand.

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Title: Instrução Normativa Nº 27, de 22 de Maio de 2002
Publication: Diário Oficial da União
Date: 24 May 2002 Number: 99 Section: 1 Page: 11
Remarks: Suspends use of federal government branding for the duration of the 2002 electoral period.

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Title: Instrução Normativa Nº 29, de 21 de Agosto de 2002
Publication: Diário Oficial da União
Date: 22 August 2002 Number: 162 Section: 1 Page: 1
Remarks: Introduces a new, depoliticized brand for use on public service advertising.

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Title: Instrução Normativa Nº 30, de 24 de Outubro de 2002
Publication: Diário Oficial da União
Date: 25 October 2002 Number: 208 Section: 1 Page: 10
Remarks: Re-introduces the stylized 8, not to exceed the duration of the Cardoso mandate (ending 31 December) and with significant use restrictions on public service works and certain printed materials. The depoliticized branding introduced in Instruction #29 is prescribed for those purposes.

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News Articles

Title: Liminar que suspendeu “Brasil 8 anos” é cassada
Outlet: Folha de S. Paulo
Date: 12 April 2002
Remarks: Reversal of the injunction which suspended the 8 anos campaign.

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Title: PT questionou propaganda comemorativa do Plano Real
Outlet: Consultor Jurídico
Date: 12 July 2002
Remarks: Outlines the substance of the PT’s court complaint regarding the Cardoso government’s mark.

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Title: TCU multa ex-diretores da Petrobras
Outlet: O Estadao de S. Paulo
Date: 3 November 2003
Remarks: Reporting of fines handed down to Petrobras executives for improper participation in the 8 anos publicity campaign.

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Page instantiated: 1 November 2019.
Date of last revision: 2 November 2019.